Digital convergence sounds like a mouth full of confusing technological jargon but its concept is simple. First, take any tool that holds information and make that information digital. Second, take all the tools that hold digital information and put them into one place, one product. More formally digital convergence refers to the convergence of four industries into one conglomerate, ITTCE (Information Technologies, Telecommunication, Consumer Electronics, and Entertainment). It makes itself known today in products like the iPhone.
Apple has gone to the next level with their product capabilities and in their efforts to save journalism, they have created a new product, the iPad. After remaking the business of the music industry and re-inventing the mobile phone, Steve Jobs is up for something new, and journalism has got his attention. The New York Times quoted an internal source: "Steve believes in old media companies and wants them to do well. He believes democracy is hinged on a free press and that depends on there being a professional press."
The hands-on and portable tablet is moving digital products in the right direction. It creates that intimate experience that is often times lacking in today's digital world. The iPad has more features besides being able to view newspaper articles. The list of features is at least 15 deep: photo, iBook, notes, calender, contacts, iPod and much more! It capitalizes on the idea of taking all the little daily necessities of work and personal life and storing them in one place.
Harry Strasser, former CTO of Siemens, had it right when he said, "digital convergence will substantially impact people's lifestyle and work style”. And that it should. These technologies have existed for many years, companies are just now beginning to utilize them in a way that is desirable and marketable. It is the world we live in today and instead of putting up resistance, people need to embrace the change and benefit from it! It will take time to learn the new systems but it will be well worth it in the end.
The tools that are used to create and promote digital convergence products relate to many of the topics we have discussed during this class. The unlimited amount of options that are available on new technologies like the iPad provide an opportunity and host for the unlimited amount of options in music, art, writing, acting and producing. It is a partnership that promotes the individual and their creativity. The interactions that are possible through new media also yields to the law of the long tail. For example, it is possible to post an unlimited amount of facebook updates, without running out of room, money, or memory. These interactions can take a vast amount of time but they do have financial pay-offs. The “Rock of Ages” facebook page has 300 to 600 interactions every week — but facebook is one of the show’s top sources of new ticket sales.
Digital convergence also provides space for creative commons to flourish. With new technology that can accommodate the variety of features that the iPad can, there are more outlets of creative expression. It is becoming easier and more common place to access music, videos, all at one time with the touch of a button or the tap of a finger. The opportunity to access and share the creative work with others can happen 24-7 instead of just a couple hours at work or at home.
Using the internet as a tool for democracy has proved itself to be a successful. The more access a person has to the internet, the more powerful the message will be for them. Digital convergence technology provides that opportunity of being constantly updated and reminded on the issues of democracy.

I found an article that explained the reasons and future of digital convergence better than I ever could. It claimed there were three reasons for the certainly and success of digital convergence
First, bits—the 1s and 0s that computers understand—are incredibly cheap. The cost that is saved on materials, manufacturing, and shipping takes the sale of a book, CD or movie and makes the cost almost non existent
The second major reason why digital convergence is not simply a possibility for the future but a certainty is the quality of digital materials. The difference in sound and image quality is improved with the bandwidth on certain technology.
The third major reason why digital convergence will happen is that technology is rapidly approaching the stage where high-bandwidth transmission of digital information between any two places is possible. Two companies—Teledesic and Motorola—are planning, for the first decade of the twenty-first century, a system of low-orbit satellites that will make wireless global networking available to the entire globe.
In the future, almost every device will be a network device. Some of these devices will be large and immobile, like movie or television screens. Others will be small and portable, like wallets, watches, or cellular phones. All will be hooked up to the global network. Within a few years, breakthroughs in display technology will make extremely high-resolution monitors commonplace. People will be able to carry their computers or even to wear them as clothing and will be able to use these computers, in any place and at any time, to send telephone, mail, video, or fax messages; to do their shopping or banking; or to receive news and entertainment. At home, the telephone, the personal computer, the mail box, newspapers, newsletters, magazines, the tape deck, and the CD player will be replaced by one or more all-purpose devices, and one will be able to interact with these devices using ordinary speech commands.

One place that I see this convergence taking place is in automobiles. Some cars do have GPS devices and wireless communication connections for cell phones. These technologies will continue to be improved upon by providing a pinpoint location of each car on the road. Going beyond capabilities in the car itself, the car would be able to tap into the larger network to turn the sprinklers on, turn the heat off, and turn hallway lights on. A computer in the car would allow you to shop online while you are in traffic or do any form of online baking. With all of these networks converging, it would make it possible for you to run many of your home duties from you car, making traveling less stressful and easier adaptable to everyday life. Who doesn't want that?
Videos and Pictures made possible by Google Image search and Blip.tv under the creative commons licence.
Other sites that I used in the creation of this blog:
Great post! You explained digital convergence very well!! You are right, digital information is cheap and the joy people get from holding something in their hands that is clear and understandable, as well as up to date is great. I still think though that people are going to miss holding the actual printed version of a book or magazine in their hands. But we'll see. We will be the Jetsons before we know it :)
ReplyDeleteGreat blog post! Very interesting from a different point of view. It seems that your blog mainly focuses on the good that comes out of technology. Can you think of anything bad that could come out of "too much" technology? (if you read my blog, I actually did the opposite of you - I wrote how too much technology is not necessarily a good thing!)
ReplyDeleteThe word you use to describe interacting with an ipad is intimate. The concept that technologies have removed us from an intimate relationship with different media formats and are now trying to regain that intamacy. Can we really have intamate interaction with a media device? I would like to see how people react to the ipad when they go on sale and if they feel that they are able to have the sam interaction with ipad as they would sitting down and reading a book. A book has a particular feel and experience I am not sure if ipad will be able to recreate that in a digital format but we will see.
ReplyDeleteI like the whole idea of opening the garage, getting a boost of electricity to run the car, turning the sprinkler on and those types of things that we will undoubtedly be able to do someday with new technology. I'm sure cars today can do more than I know already. I think cars were made to be driven and it takes alot of concentration to be a good driver. I'm sure you have noticed all of the really bad drivers out there. I wonder what they are doing?
ReplyDeleteReally great job. Simple enough that even I can understand the digital convergence concept.
ReplyDeleteAnd kudos on the GPS example, I hadn't thought of that!